Welcome to a New Dawn
We’re changing how the world burns fossil fuels
What is FuelSpec®?
FuelSpec® is an environment favouring technology that enables some of the world’s largest energy consumers to improve fuel combustion today. When fuel combustion is improved, emissions are reduced, engine wear is reduced, and fuel economy improves.
A bridge technology that will allow the world to burn less fossil fuel today, in a significantly cleaner fashion, as we transition to alternative sources of energy
FuelSpec® Is a combustion catalyst. A liquid chemical, which, when added to fuel, improves the combustion of the fuel. FuelSpec® combustion catalysts are registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and promoted across the world.
We aim to clean the air you breathe!
What is FuelSpec®?
FuelSpec® is an environment favouring technology that enables some of the world’s largest energy consumers to improve fuel combustion today. When fuel combustion is improved, emissions are reduced, engine wear is reduced, and fuel economy improves.
A bridge technology that will allow the world to burn less fossil fuel today, in a significantly cleaner fashion, as we transition to alternative sources of energy
FuelSpec® Is a combustion catalyst. A liquid chemical, which, when added to fuel, improves the combustion of the fuel. FuelSpec® combustion catalysts are registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and promoted across the world.
We aim to clean the air you breathe!
- SAVES Fuel
- Reduces Emissions
- Reduces the maintenance and operating costs of Equipments
- Safe to use
- Non-reactive
- Long Shelf-life
- High flash-points and extremely Low freezing points
- Can stay in storage, or mixed in fuel, for long periods of time without any degradation
- SAVES Fuel
- Reduces Emissions
- Reduces the maintenance and operating costs of Equipments
- Non-hazardous
- Non-reactive
- Long Shelf-life
- High flash-points and extremely Low freezing points
- Can stay in storage, or mixed in fuel, for long periods of time without any degradation
FuelSpec : Fuel
1 : 4000
- Ultra-low Sulphur Diesel
- High Speed Diesel
- Light Diesel Oil
- No. 2 Diesel
- No. 4 Diesel
- Low Sulphur Fuel Oil
- High Sulphur & Heavy Fuel Oil
FuelSpec : Fuel
1 : 4000
- Ultra-low Sulphur Diesel
- High Speed Diesel
- Light Diesel Oil
- No. 2 Diesel
- No. 4 Diesel
- Low Sulphur Fuel Oil
- High Sulphur & Heavy Fuel Oil

The electricity sector is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the world, as electricity demand has grown, and fossil fuels have remained the dominant source for generation. As the demand only rises for power, changes to input fuels becomes one of the few ways in which emissions can be reduced.
Heavy transport equipment with diesel engines like Long-haul trucks, Heavy-haul trucks, contribute significant amounts of carbon emissions, apart from the high cost of operations. There exists a challenge for auto companies to address these issues before these machines go electric, which would ideally be in 12-15 years
Although the Rail industry is one of the least carbon emitting modes of transport, reduction of GHGS is a prime concern in every country. These emissions can be reduced considerably with the use of advanced fuels, software development and reduced idling.
Mining is Currently responsible for 4 to percent or greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions globally. Mines can fully decarbonise with the use of the right fuels and operational efficiency, apart from other methods. FuelSpec combustion catalyst works efficiently on mining &construction equipment, thereby reducing the cost and carbon emissions. The engines having high Horse Power – more than 100 HP and low RPMs – which are ideal for FuelSpec to work on. Off-road construction engines running on peak torque & more than 50% load, have shown up to 8% benefit and 15% reduction in NOx. The ideal Equipments are: Excavators, Backhoe Loaders, Road Compactors, Tunnel Boring Machine, Heavy Haul Trucks, Diesel Cranes, Gensets


The electricity sector is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the world, as electricity demand has grown, and fossil fuels have remained the dominant source for generation. As the demand only rises for power, changes to input fuels becomes one of the few ways in which emissions can be reduced.
Heavy transport equipment with diesel engines like Long-haul truCks, Heavy-haul truCks, contribute significant amounts of carbon emissions, apart from the high cost of operations. There exists a challenge for auto companies to address these issues before these machines go electric, which would ideally be in 12-15 years
Although the Rail industry is one of the least carbon emitting modes of transport, reduction of GHGS is a prime concern in every country. These emissions can be reduced considerably with the use of advanced fuels, software development and reduced idling.
Mining is Currently responsible for 4 to percent or greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions globally. Mines can fully decarbonise with the use of the right fuels and operational efficiency, apart from other methods. FuelSpec combustion catalyst works efficiently on mining &construction equipment, thereby reducing the cost and carbon emissions. The engines having high Horse Power – more than 100 HP and low RPMs – which are ideal for FuelSpec to work on. Off-road construction engines running on peak torque & more than 50% load, have shown up to 8% benefit and 15% reduction in NOx. The ideal Equipments are: Excavators, Backhoe Loaders, Road Compactors, Tunnel Boring Machine, Heavy Haul Trucks, Diesel Cranes, Gensets